Food Coach Healthy Articles

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Healthy food tips

Top nutrition trends for 2011 - what will you be eating?
By: Emma Stirling, Dietitian

Are you strapped in and ready? Another year has rolled around and we are soon to see the latest buzz in nutrition. With such a fast changing science the trendsters have been hard at it with their nutritious crystal balls, ... Read more...

12 fun facts about fresh fruit and veg
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

First let’s start by what’s fruit and what’s veg and what’s something else completely. For example, did you know that: 1. Botanically bananas are berries that grow on a herb. 2. Tomatoes are a fruit 3. Rhubarb is a vegetable 4. Artichoke is a flower 5. Botanically the ... Read more...

12 reasons why grass-fed meat is better for our health
By: by Ben Clinch from The Free-Range Butcher

It’s better. It’s that simple! There are numerous articles around about the pros and cons of grass-fed versus grain-fed beef and the impact on our health. The fact that you are reading this may mean that you are conscious of how your ... Read more...

12 storage tips to keep fresh food longer
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

There are 2 compelling reasons to reduce food waste. 1. You are literally throwing money away every time you throw fresh food out. 2. Food waste produces eight per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. If food waste was a country ... Read more...

15 Reasons Australian Bananas are so Ap-peeling
By: Glenn Cardwell - Accredited Practising Dietitian

1. Banana power Cyclists, tennis players, triathletes and just about anybody involved in sport love to eat bananas before, during or straight after training. Research shows that having two bananas an hour (with water) works just as well as ... Read more...

6 easy swap to keep your kids fed and nourished through the holidays
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

MUM – This is always shouted in a very loud voice . How many times have you heard that this holiday? The school holidays are upon us which on one hand is great because you don’t have to deal with ... Read more...

6 things to do now spring has sprung
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

1. Buy and cook with globe artichokes. Even if you’re not sure how to prepare and cook them, and even if you're balking at the price consider that a glass of wine is about $10 from most wine bars. An artichoke ... Read more...

7 ways to save on your healthy shop
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

Everyone wants to be a little healthier and we all can be without breaking the budget. The healthiest food is fresh food grown in the country you live in and luckily for us, Australia always has plenty of fresh seasonal produce ... Read more...

8 Great Reasons to Buy Watercress This Week
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

Watercress, often referred to as "nature's multivitamin," is a vibrant and nutrient-packed leafy green that has been enjoyed for centuries. With its peppery flavor and impressive health benefits, there are plenty of reasons to consider adding watercress to your shopping list ... Read more...

8 strategies to get your kid to eat more veggies
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

I’m not much of a fan of vegetable food art once the meal is cooked. There’s way too much else to do without the job of making cutesy pictures on a plate, and I’m not convinced that it encourages kids kids ... Read more...

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thebkin on If it tastes too sweet, it's probably not that good for you :
I have the same concerns as many people do about the sw... »
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I have to make a salad for a client once a week. It se... »
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ok great... »
Gai on Lighten Up in Lockdown :
hope this works... »
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Heart failure cannot be cured though there is a range o... »
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