Food Coach Healthy Articles

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Top nutrition trends for 2011 - what will you be eating?
By: Emma Stirling, Dietitian

Are you strapped in and ready? Another year has rolled around and we are soon to see the latest buzz in nutrition. With such a fast changing science the trendsters have been hard at it with their nutritious crystal balls, ... Read more...

12 reasons why grass-fed meat is better for our health
By: by Ben Clinch from The Free-Range Butcher

It’s better. It’s that simple! There are numerous articles around about the pros and cons of grass-fed versus grain-fed beef and the impact on our health. The fact that you are reading this may mean that you are conscious of how your ... Read more...

13 compelling reasons to dramatically reduce your sugar intake
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

Back in the old days people used to say sugar was bad for our teeth. These days we know it’s far worse than that. While we all enjoy a little sweet treat now and again, you may be surprised at how ... Read more...

15 Reasons Australian Bananas are so Ap-peeling
By: Glenn Cardwell - Accredited Practising Dietitian

1. Banana power Cyclists, tennis players, triathletes and just about anybody involved in sport love to eat bananas before, during or straight after training. Research shows that having two bananas an hour (with water) works just as well as ... Read more...

20 Reasons Why Australian Bananas are Nature's Wonder Fruit for Mum and Little Ones
By: Glenn Cardwell - Accredited Practising Dietitian

From the moment you realise you are going to be a mum until your child is getting dressed all by themselves, Australian bananas are the ideal addition to both your diets. Accredited Practising Dietitian, Glenn Cardwell provides 20 reasons why: Pregnant ... Read more...

3 health benefits of Brussels sprouts
By: Amy Dusseldorp, Nutritionist

There’s no coincidence that Brussels sprouts resemble a miniature cabbage; both are members of the Brassica family of vegetables. The name of this nutritious vegetable can be traced back to its origins, as the Brussels sprout is thought to be native ... Read more...

4 reasons why rhubarb rocks
By: Intro by Judy Davie, content Lisa Costa Bir

The first day of winter is on Saturday, and although the change in season puts apples and pears squarely at the forefront of the fruit bowl, there are other seasonal treats we can enjoy. Top of my list are Queensland strawberries ... Read more...

5 Things You Need To Know About Going Gluten Free
By: By Emma Stirling, Accredited Practising Dietitian

Did you pick up a gluten free product on your last shop? In my article on Top Nutrition Trends For 2011 I touched on the fact that gluten free is becoming mainstream. So it’s a great time to ... Read more...

6 easy swap to keep your kids fed and nourished through the holidays
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

MUM – This is always shouted in a very loud voice . How many times have you heard that this holiday? The school holidays are upon us which on one hand is great because you don’t have to deal with ... Read more...

6 good reasons to enjoy red papaya and yellow pawpaw this spring
By: The Food Coach

Red papaya and yellow pawpaw can be found pretty much all year round now but it’s during spring and summer when they are most abundant and delicious. While they look similar they are distinctively different in taste however both fruits share ... Read more...

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thebkin on If it tastes too sweet, it's probably not that good for you :
I have the same concerns as many people do about the sw... »
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I have to make a salad for a client once a week. It se... »
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ok great... »
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hope this works... »
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Heart failure cannot be cured though there is a range o... »
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