Food Coach Healthy Articles

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General Health

7 Steps to a Lighter, Brighter You!
By: Edited Extract from Feed Your Brain: The Cookbook, by Delia McCabe

In Feed Your Brain: 7 steps to a lighter, brighter you! I delve deeply into the science behind how feeding your brain leads to improved mental wellbeing, which includes the ability to improve focus and concentration, naturally improve learning and memory ... Read more...

ACCC fine Unilever and Smith's
By: Choice magazine

Consumer group CHOICE has welcomed the ACCC’s decision to penalise Unilever and Smith’s over $10,000 each for allegedly making false or misleading representations with on-pack school canteen certifications designed to make kids’ snacks appear healthier than they are. CHOICE first submitted a ... Read more...

Entomophagy - dining on insects
By: Glenn Cardwell, Dietitian

Entomophagy is the practice of eating insects as a food source. Over 1000 species of insects are eaten around the world by traditional human societies in Africa, the Americas and Australasia. The Food and Agricultural Organisation estimated that two billion of ... Read more...

Top nutrition trends for 2011 - what will you be eating?
By: Emma Stirling, Dietitian

Are you strapped in and ready? Another year has rolled around and we are soon to see the latest buzz in nutrition. With such a fast changing science the trendsters have been hard at it with their nutritious crystal balls, ... Read more...

10 easy ways to reduce food waste
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

10 ways to reduce food waste

Do you remember the thrill of your first car? I certainly do. The excitement that came with my very own set of wheels that gave me the freedom to come and go as I pleased ... Read more...

10 foods to include in your weekly greengrocer's shop
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

Greengrocer’s sell pretty much everything you need to make loads of great tasting nutritious meals and very little of the stuff you don’t need. That’s why I prefer to shop in them. There are some items I buy every week. This ... Read more...

10 Fundamental things to learn in the kitchen
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

My mother had a saying, you live life forwards and understand it backwards which is along the same lines of everything happens for a reason. As cases of the COVID19 pandemic escalate and countries shut down their borders and mandate self-isolation, ... Read more...

10 Practical Tips to Protect Your Body from Stress and Depression
By: Angus Munro - clinical psychologist, and director of Angus Munro Psychology in Sydney

Your mind has a big impact on your body. Stress and depression can have a serious effect on your mental wellbeing, which in turn has a knock-on effect on your health and fitness. Constantly feeling low or having high levels of ... Read more...

10 rules to improve exam performance
By: Judy Davie

If your child is sitting, or about to sit for his final year exams you might find these dietary recommendations from four of Australia’s leading nutritionist and dietitians useful. Emma Stirling APD and blogger on Scoop Nutrition cannot ... Read more...

10 steps to more - fun month
By: Judy Davie - The Food Coach

One of my corporate clients was a little jaded when we first met. Her job role could be described as a bit humdrum and her life had fallen into a routine of tasks with little deviation. Credit to her, she joined ... Read more...

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thebkin on If it tastes too sweet, it's probably not that good for you :
I have the same concerns as many people do about the sw... »
Simone on What can we do to improve our health in 2022? :
I have to make a salad for a client once a week. It se... »
Gai on Lighten Up in Lockdown :
ok great... »
Gai on Lighten Up in Lockdown :
hope this works... »
AveryM on Algal DHA - a new source of Omega 3 :
Heart failure cannot be cured though there is a range o... »
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