Free Healthy Recipe - Custard Apple Ice Cream with Baked Apple Slices

Dairy free, Gluten free, Low GI, Low sugar, Wheat Free

Copyright John Paul Urizar

If you're one of the 40 per cent of Australians who have never eaten a custard apple, here's a recipe to turn your world around. With a low GI and providing an excellent source of Vitamin C, fibre, B6, magnesium and potassium, their soft white creamy flesh make a perfect base for a cow's dairy free ice cream.

1 kg custard apple, (approx 2 medium fruit)
1½ cups sheep's yoghurt
½ cup walnuts
2 tbsp maple syrup

Peel the custard apple and remove all the seeds. Combine it in a food processor with the sheep's yoghurt and vanilla.
Pour the cream into a freezer container and place in the freezer for 2 hours.

Remove from the freezer, churn it in the food processor once more and return it to the freezer.
In a large frying pan, add the maple syrup to the chopped walnuts.
Stir over a medium heat until the walnuts brown slightly.
Remove from the heat, separate any nuts that have stuck together and set aside to cool.
Remove the ice cream from the freezer, return to the processor and churn it once again. Stir through the walnuts, and return it to the freezer. Serve with baked apple rings.

Note: Select hard custard apples and leave to ripen. Once soft, pull the fruit apart from the hole where the stem was and remove the segments with your fingers or a small spoon. Discard the skin and seeds.

Makes 6 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 20 mins
Cooking Time: 10 mins
Ready in: 8 hrs

Suitable for:
See also:
Baked Apple Rings
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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 1025 kj
Calories 245 kcal
Fat 11.7 g
Saturated Fat 3.2 g
Total Carbohydrate 26.5 g
Total Protein 6.6 g
Fibre 3.4 g

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