Apple Cider Vinegar - Aids Digestion and Athritis

By: The Food Coach

Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, in 400BC treated his patients with apple cider vinegar for its powerful cleansing, healing and germ fighting qualities.

Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, trace minerals, potassium, beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Its acidic content is the reason it acts as a germ fighter and is used in many foods as a natural preservative against spoilage.

The acidic properties of apple cider vinegar are believed to assist in poor digestion. Incomplete digestion leads to sluggishness, lack of physical and mental energy and weight gain.


In order to break down fats, protein and carbohydrates, the body is required to produce bile salts, enzymes and acids. If these processes are inhibited, incomplete digestion occurs.

If poor digestion is occurring, the body draws on other processes diverting energy from other activities. This is why some people feel tired after a meal. Their bodies are having great difficulty digesting what they have eaten and energy is being diverted.

If symptoms of incomplete digestion occur, try the following strategy:

Before meals, sip a mixture of 2 teaspoons of Apple cider vinegar in 1/4 glass of water.

Indications of nausea, due to a feeling that recently eaten food is not being digested, can usually be eliminated within hours by taking diluted apple cider vinegar.

There also seems to be a relationship between undigested food and arthritis so in an unusual way apple cider vinegar may help arthritic sufferers.

The normal way to take apple cider vinegar is to mix two teaspoons in a tumbler of cold or warm water. Different users find that it can be taken once to three times a day.

Children under the age of eight might have one teaspoon.


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