Free Healthy Recipe - Lentil and Zucchini Vegan Lasagne

Dairy free, Gluten free, Low GI, Low sugar, Wheat Free

The test to find out whether this recipe was any good or not was to give it to a group of omnivores, more familiar with minced beef, pasta and bechamel sauce than lentils and cashew cheeze. They loved it. It's extremely easy despite the various stages and you'll need a mandolin to slice the zucchini into lasagne(ish) sheets.

1 cup black lentils, soaked overnight
¼ cup basil - fresh, chopped
1 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 small carrot, diced
2 cans tomatoes - roma, diced
1 cup water
<i>cashew cheeze sauce</i>
1 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight
1 pinch sea salt
200 ml water
<i>zucchini pasta</i>
8 medium zucchini, sliced finely with a mandolin

To make the lentil sauce
Rinse the lentils and place them in a steamer to steam for 20 minutes.
Heat the olive oil in a pan. Add the basil and fry until it turns virtually black.
Add the onion and garlic and sauté for 2 - 3 minutes.
Stir through the carrot and canned tomatoes.
Rinse the inside of each tin with the water and pour it into the pan.
Bring to the boil, before reducing the heat to simmer on low for 40 minutes.
Spoon the lentils into the tomato sauce and set aside to cool.

To make the cashew cheeze sauce
Rinse the cashews and transfer to a high speed blender with the other ingredients.
Blend until the sauce is completely smooth.

Preheat the oven to 180°C
Brush the bottom and sides of an ovenproof dish (approx.35cm x 22cm) with olive oil
Arrange the zucchini in a layer across the bottom of the dish
Spoon a thin layer of the lentil mixture over the zucchini and arrange another layer of zucchini over the top of that.
Spoon a layer of the cashew cheeze sauce over the zucchini.
Repeat the process twice more finishing with a layer of the cashew sauce.
Place the dish in the oven to heat through for 40 minutes.

Makes 6 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 50 mins
Cooking Time: 40 mins
Ready in: 90 mins

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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 1696 kj
Calories 405 kcal
Fat 20 g
Saturated Fat 3 g
Total Carbohydrate 29 g
Total Protein 19 g
Fibre 15 g

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