1. Preheat a grill pan until hot, place corn cobs on pan and cook for 10 minutes, turning every few minutes until starting to char all over. Allow to cool slightly and slice off kernels.
2. Heat oil in a frying pan and add kidney beans, paprika and corn kernels and stir gently until warmed through.
3. Place a tortilla on the warm grill pan and sprinkle a little cheese on the tortilla, cook until it melts or grill marks appear on the underside of the tortilla. Repeat.
4. For tomato salsa, combine tomatoes, tabasco, onion and coriander.
5. For guacamole, mash avocado with lemon juice until smooth.
6. Assemble tortillas, spread a little guacamole on each tortilla and top with kidney bean mix and lettuce. Serve tomato salsa on the side.