Free Healthy Recipe - Slow Cooked Breakfast Beans

Dairy free, Low GI, Low sugar

It might seem mad to take all night making baked beans when you can whip into a supermarket and buy a can for a dollar, but there is no comparison when it comes to the taste. It's also good to cook the beans up with khombu first. That old song "beans beans good for the heart, the more you eat the more you …… "is less applicable when the beans are softened and made more digestible using khombu at the start of the cooking process. With the smoked paprika these beans have a similar taste to what you might expect with added bacon but without the nitrates from the processed meat!

1½ cups haricot beans, soaked overnight
1 strip kombu
1 brown onion finely chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
250 ml water
2 tbsp molasses
½ bunch dill, finely chopped

Drain the beans and replace with 2 litres of fresh water. Add the khombu and bring the water to the boil. Reduce the heat to simmer and par cook for 30 minutes. Drain and set aside discarding the kombu.
Heat the olive oil in a pan and add the chopped onion and smoked paprika. Sauté until the onions are soft. Add the tomatoes, water, molasses and dill and cook for a further 3 minutes.
Place the beans and tomato sauce in the slow cooker and cook overnight.

Serve with wholegrain toast, avocado and spinach or poached eggs, toast and spinach.

Note: If you don't have a slow cooker, cook in a covered casserole dish for 6 hours (160C) checking at regular intervals to ensure there is sufficient liquid to cover the beans).

Makes 6 servings

Scale recipe to serves

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 45mins +overnight
Ready in: overnight

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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 1056 kj
Calories 252 kcal
Fat 5.9 g
Saturated Fat 0.6 g
Total Carbohydrate 35.5 g
Total Protein 12.9 g
Fibre 9.6 g

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