Free Healthy Recipe - Mint and yoghurt Jelly

Gluten free, Low GI, Wheat Free

Fresh tasting, sweet to look at and ridiculously easy. That's the best description to give to this recipe. Not forgetting all the added antioxidants from the fresh mint. With a drizzle of 70% melted chocolate it makes elegant low kJ end to a lovely meal.

2 cups fresh mint
1 cup water
½ tsp peppermint essence
100 grams coconut sugar
15 grams gelatin

Place the mint leaves,water, sugar and peppermint and vanilla essence in a small pan and gently heat to dissolve all the sugar.
Transfer to a blender and blend until the liquid is completely smooth and green.
Return to the pan while it is still hot and add the gelatin. Stir until the gelatin has completely dissolved through the mint mixture.
Fold the yoghurt into the mix then pour it into 6 x 1/2 cup jelly moulds or ramekins.
Place in the fridge for about 3 hours to set.
Break the chocolate into a glass or metal bowl. Fill a pan with about 3 cm of water and bring to the boil. Turn off the heat then place the bowl over the pan and leave it to sit for about 5 minutes until the chocolate has melted.
To remove the jelly from the mould, place the dish in a small bowl of hot water for about 30 seconds. Turn it over onto individual plates and spoon a little chocolate over the top of each.

Makes 6 servings

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Prep Time: 25 mins
Cooking Time:
Ready in: 200 mins

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Nutritional Information - Per Serve
Kj 725 kj
Calories 173 kcal
Fat 4 g
Saturated Fat 2 g
Total Carbohydrate 25 g
Total Protein 47 g
Fibre 1 g

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