Soak the cranberries in the juice and balsamic vinegar overnight so the berries plump up and soften.
Arrange a single layer of pandoro across the bottom of the serving dish. Spoon some cranberries and a little juice over the pandoro and then add a layer of strawberries and mango.
Add another layer of pandoro and repeat the process until you finish the pandoro and fruit.
Spread the mascarpone over the top of the pudding.
In a small frying pan over a medium heat add the coconut in the maple syrup and stir continuously until the maple syrup has completely absorbed and the coconut is golden in colour. Sprinkle the coconut over the top of the pudding and set the pudding aside for at least three hours before serving.
Note: If you use a metal ring as a mould, lightly oil the inside wall of the ring and press the layers down firmly. This will help to prevent the pudding collapsing when you remove the ring.