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Cabbage juice for gastric ulcers

By: Lisa Costa Bir Naturopath

Peptic ulcers are painful ulcers that appear in the gut however the humble cabbage may be of use to sufferers!

Thirteen patients with peptic ulcer were treated with fresh cabbage juice, which, experiments have indicated, contains an antipeptic ulcer constituent known as 'vitamin U'. The average healing time for seven of these patients who had duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days, while the average time as reported in the literature, in 62 patients treated by standard therapy, was 37 days, an amazing difference!

The average crater healing time for six patients with gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days, as reported in the literature, for six patients treated by standard therapy.

Clearly fresh cabbage juice is a fantastic functional food for reducing time spent with an ulcer.


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