To Buy:
Sold whole and in skin on fillets or skinless boneless fillets. Look for fish with good colour and lustre, firm flesh and pleasant, fresh sea smell. Flathead are low to medium priced fish, with the fillets slightly more expensive.
To Store:
Scale, clean and gut fish. Wrap whole fish and fillets in plastic wrap or store in an airtight container. Keep 2-3 days in the refrigerator or up to 6 months.
Tips & Tricks:
Whole fish can be baked, steamed or poached, or cut into thick cutlets after trimming off any fins. Fillets are suited to all methods of cookery and can be cooked skin on. It is best to use a light marinade when barbecuing to avoid drying out the flesh.
Cooking Tips:
Flathead can be steamed, poached, deep-fried, pan-fried, barbecued or baked or in soups such as bouillabaisse where its sweet taste can tolerate stronger flavours of tomato and saffron.