Healthy Food Database

Mace is the aril (extra seed covering)from the nutmeg fruit. It is found as a bright red, lacy layer closely surrounding the nutmeg seed. This is peeled off and dried, turning a rusty brown colour. Although the aroma of mace is reminiscent of nutmeg, mace is not generally used in sweet dishes the way nutmeg is. Pieces of mace are called "blades". Mace has no connection at all to 'mace spray', an irritant made from capsicum.
Information sourced from Herbies Spices
Category: Spice
In Season: all year
To Buy:
Usually bought ground. Buy from good spice stores or stores with a hugh turnover of produce. Whole blades of mace can be found in specialty spice stores or occasionally from good delis.
To Store:
Store in an airtight container in a cool cupboard.
Tips & Tricks:
Add a pinch or a blade of mace to fish while it is poaching or steaming. Sprinkle lightly over turkey breast fillets before cooking, and add to vegetables such as pumpkin and sweet potato.
Cooking Tips:
Mace complements the flavour of fish and vegetables.

Nutrition per 100 Grams:

Extremely High

Benefits the Following Health Conditions:*

* This information is sourced by a qualified naturopath. It is non prescriptive and not intended as a cure for the condition. Recommended intake is not provided. It is no substitute for the advice and treatment of a professional practitioner.

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